Great execution - especially enjoyed the sound. According to Hugh it's been "ripping-up film festivals and was featured on Motionographer.

This is where you try to paint yourself in a box. That's not going to happen here. Sometimes I wander beyond the lines of a typical copywriter. I dabble in content strategy, search, etymology, branding, research, history, green technology, alternative fuels - and a whole lot more. Hope it's an enjoyable read.
This sustainable soybean sizzler's steering wheel is made of plant-based fibers derived from carrots and other root vegetables, the bucket seat is made of flax fibre and soybean oil foam, and the body was made of plant fibers mixed with resin. Most interesting is the biofuel that's derived from refining oils in waste chocolate and chip fat. You can hear the hear the subtle umpa lumpa, umpa lumpa exhaust note and see the car in action in this BBC video.