I’m proud of Isaac for earning the 2019 Scouts – Summit Bechtel
Reserve Scholarship in honor of Dan McCarthy. The
Summit Bechtel Reserve (SBR) Staff Association awarded $2,000 to the 2019 recipients. Isaac served as a
Manager of the Canopy Ropes Course and also as Ranger at Large for the High
Ropes and Canopy Tour Program.
This program is considered the World's largest Aerial Adventure park in the World according to creator, Bonsai Design, Inc.
Isaac was charged with helping run the zip lines across 12 Canopy Tours that stretched across the backwoods of the sprawling 10,000 acre Summit Bechtel property. Rain or shine, Isaac was tasked with the safety and well-being of his zip-line guests and often worked in less-than-hospitable conditions. He would often be tasked with early-morning inspections of the lines for fallen trees and problems with equipment for the course. This led to Isaac being promoted as the caretaker of the High Ropes and Canopy courses as Ranger for his last year at camp. |
The 12 Canopy tours were built from nearly 15 miles of cable, providing 3.5 lineal miles of aerial adventure, and included 60 individual zip lines. Isaac took extensive training in order to manage the ropes course and provide safe travel for thousands of guests during his entire tenure. Managing this large of a course demands excellent communication skills, physical strength and the ability to be calm under pressure. |
The Canopy is a tree-to-tree adventure that gives Scouts and Venturers a new way to connect with the environment. The course was put together by Bonsai Design, Incorporated, a world-class zip-line and adventure course creator. Isaac has a gift of persevering in the midst of hardship and especially likes a challenge. |
Isaac worked at Camp Tapico in Kalkaska Michigan before moving on the the Summit Bechtel Scout Reservation. Hang around Isaac and you'll find he is determined, smart, loyal and driven to succeed. |
Isaac served as our Troops Senior Patrol Leader and was passionate about getting things done. And leading others to do more than they thought possible. Isaac was innovative in his leadership style, led by example and was especially looked up to for his ability to teach core skills and outdoor survival and backcountry skills.
Isaac earned the rank of Eagle Scout at Troop 192 in Davisburg, Michigan in 2016. |